Contact Rob Mimpriss

Rob Mimpriss and Robert Smith at the march for Welsh independence in Merthyr Tudful, 7th September 2019

Image by WalesOnline | Source

I am pictured above (right) with independence activist, Robert Smith, at the march for Welsh independence in Merthyr Tudful, 7th September 2019. Having been inspired in my teens by the history of cultured passive resistance to cultural persecution described by Gwynfor Evans in his history of Wales, Land of My Fathers, and by his vision of a democratic Wales within a European union, I have sought to help rebuild the political and cultural independence of Wales for the whole of my adult life. I have worked on conservation projects in Scotland, Estonia, Iceland and Costa Rica, and am also rather fond of cats.

I am proud to have been published by Albawtaka, Gwasg y Bwthyn, Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Culture Matters, Multilingual Matters, the North Wales Mental Health Research Project and Cockatrice Books, in The Swansea Review, New Welsh Review, New Writing, Tears in the Fence and The Interpreter’s House, and alongside many of the leading writers of Wales and beyond: among them, Glenda Beagan, Carys Bray, Karl Francis, Roger Granelli, Tristan Hughes, Nigel Jarrett, Mike Jenkins, Jim Perrin, Simon Thirsk, Rachel Trezise, Gee Williams, and others. I have worked on interdisciplinary projects with Dr Alistair Sims and Prof. Raimund Karl as a visiting writer at the Meillionydd Bronze Age dig, and with Prof. David Healy as Artistic Coordinator of the North Wales Mental Health Research Project. I have translated fiction by Angharad Tomos and Manon Steffan Ros, and have myself been translated by Hala Salah Eldin Hussein. I hold a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing from Portsmouth University, and am a member of the National Coalition of Independent Scholars in recognition of the quality of my academic work, and of the Welsh Academy in acknowledgement of my contributions to Welsh writing.

If you have read and are interested in my work, then you can write to me using the contact form below, and your encouragement will be very welcome. Thank you for visiting the website of Rob Mimpriss, the short story writer, and for your interest in the literature and culture of Wales.

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A Portrait of the Artist as a Middle‑Aged Man

The day was dull, rather misty, and wet under foot, but neither too warm nor too cold for walking. I began to think (without being especially aware that I was thinking) about the place of blood in Christian iconography, about the chapel in which I was raised, which seemed mildly obsessed with it...

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Books by Rob Mimpriss

Cover of Dangerous Asylums

Dangerous Asylums

‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’

Philip Gross