News from Rob Mimpriss

15th October 2013: Dandelion by Patrick Jones

‘Patrick Jones is a serious writer of ambitious themes. His work does not bear such themes lightly. I tweeted about his play, Dandelion, performed at Galeri Caernarfon on Tuesday 24th, and unluckily for both of us he noticed. He didn’t like my wry comment, and became abusive.’

My review of Dandelion by Patrick Jones, and my account of a Twitter spat, published in New Welsh Review 101 (Autumn 2013) online, and available to read below.

((!!button Dandelion by Patrick Jones

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Books by Rob Mimpriss

Cover of Dangerous Asylums

Dangerous Asylums

‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’

Philip Gross