News from Rob Mimpriss

10th October 2016: Dangerous Asylums at Bangor University

World Mental Health Day was chosen for the launch of Dangerous Asylums at Bangor University, 5-6pm. The launch was attended by contributors Anna Reynolds, Gee and David Williams, by Prof. David Healey of the North Wales Mental Health Research Project, and others.

Readings were followed by questions from the floor, and reflections from the contributors and others involved in the project on the relationship between historical scholarship and medical science; creativity and the lived experiences of patients and staff at Denbigh Mental Hospital in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Copies of the book were available for sale. Profits were donated to the work of MIND.

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Books by Rob Mimpriss

Cover of Dangerous Asylums

Dangerous Asylums

‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’

Philip Gross